Context: 10:51PM EST, sitting in the the living room of my aunt’s apartment in Queens, NY. It’s a hot summer night, and the black leather feels sticky, yet clean to the touch.

Hi! This blog will be dedicated to my progress for a project idea of mine. Just to put my notes somewhere outside of my head. I’m not sure who will keep me accountable at this point other than myself when I look back at this post. Let this first post serve as a welcome, both for you and for myself.

In this work, I will be developing an end-to-end environment for live performance that will be able to:

  • encode mono or stereo inputs into ambisonic coefficients based on desired location with variable source directivity
  • record the mono and stereo inputs and play them back with a live looper interface, encoding both live and looped playback in different locations
  • encode and decode ambisonic basis functions using modified spherical basis functions for irregular speaker arrays, emphasizing the azimuthal plane
  • apply real-time effects and filters to each “loop bank”, in harware or software

To try out the system in a performance, I’d like to try making a live cover of a cool song. Moonchild’s “What You’re Doing” sounds like a cool idea to cover and spatialize live. Depends on whether or not I can learn how to play it haha. The lyric video’s pretty great.

Why? Because I’m tired of letting my ideas slip away from my head. And because I think that this projet will sound cool. Here’s to a neat beginning!
